Victory for Palestine liberation war! : a case against genocidal war of Israel

Samaran - In English: Marudhan

Victory for Palestine liberation war!  :  a case against genocidal war of Israel

Publisher's Note

AMK’s ideological theory provides precise and clarity to us even in today’s Israel-Palestine conflict. His decisive Marxist approach on Sri Lanka-Eelam national question led to the solution of Palestinian national question. From his ideological work on national question, paved the way to the conclusion of Palestian - Israel conflict,  an independent Palestinian state is the immediate solution for this crisis.

 Effort has been  taken to compile and translate   the special articles published in Samaran Monthly to provide more insight on the israel -  Palestinian conflict and  also for broader discussion around the indian states and across the nations. 

We are very thankful to the translator Marudhan for his immense effort which is utmost need of the hour now.



Let's Resist Genocidal war of Israel  on Palestine!

"Even these basic things are made possible only by the people’s protests that have broken out all over the world. On the contrary, if we lie in the illusion that the imperialists or the UN will come forward automatically, the Palestinian struggle will be wiped out like the Eelam liberation struggle"

The fascist Israeli ruling class clique has been waging a war of genocide against Palestine for over half a century, acting as the US-NATO hound. It has killed over 400,000 Palestinians so far and displaced more than 60 lakh people. It is planning and implementing the Judaization and militarization of the Palestinian territories. Corporate interests are occupying Palestine and neighboring countries to create a huge corporate kingdom called “Greater Israel”. To that end, it is acting as the US-NATO’s most reliable strategic partner in the Middle East. Palestine bases its political life on ethnic oppression. A “Jewish Homeland” based on religious ideology which is Zionism is a reactionary religious-ethnic nationalism and is establishing a fascist state. The Palestinian people are also continuing to fight against this war of genocide and occupation. 

As a continuation of this, we must approach today’s Israel-Palestine problem. Netanyahu faction came to power in December 2022 on the promises of annexing the West Bank to Israel and total destruction of Gaza; Calling for the Palestinian Genocide, declaring that Palestine would be destroyed to create a Jewish state. It planned to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Arab holiest site. Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed since January 2023 by far-right Zionist extremist groups. In response, Hamas launched a missile attack on Israel on October 7 which killed 1400 people. Since then, the Israeli army has killed more than 6,500 Palestinians (half of whom are women and children) in Gaza. Israel has provided guns to Zionist groups and individuals in the West Bank to kill Palestinians. 

Israel has declared “all-out war” on the Palestinian territories, along with the US-NATO alliance. America has sent warships. A war-mongering US-Israel fascist cabal is on the prowl for total genocide of the Palestinian people to plunder the oil and natural gas resources of the Middle East. The growing popular protests in the Middle East and other countries of the world in support of Palestine have undermined the US-Israeli bloc’s dream of a ‘Greater Israel’ kingdom for Middle Eastern hegemony. It is our immediate duty to support such domestic political wars against the ruling classes of our own country and to fight against the pro-Israel Modi mob.

A brief history of the occupation of Palestine

In World War I, Britain and France sought to garner the support of wealthy Jewish and Arab monarchs with a plot to topple the Ottoman Empire and divide its colonies. The World Zionist Organization had already been active since 1897 with the aim of establishing a “Jewish homeland” on Zionist grounds. They had close ties with the British ruling classes. So Britain raised huge financial resources by promising them an independent Jewish Arab state. For this, Britain’s Belfour declaration (1917) is the basis for the ongoing Palestinian genocide. The Belfour Declaration called for the creation of an independent Jewish state and an independent Arab state. It said the civil and religious rights of the Palestinian people would be protected. But these rights have not been granted to the Palestinian people till date. The Palestinian people did not accept this declaration. At that time the population of Palestine included 60 thousand Jews and the total population was 12 lakhs. Since the 1890s, tensions between Jews and Muslims continued. The problem intensified after Palestine became a British colony. As soon as this declaration was announced, the attacks on the Palestinian people began.

The Ottoman Empire was defeated in World War I. Official British colonization of Palestine and Jordan began in September 1923 through the British Mandate with the approval of the League of Nations. It stated that the Mandate for Palestine would last until May 14, 1948. Subsequently, Britain began to settle Jews by the millions in Palestine. Syria and Lebanon were made its colonies by the French Colonial Mandate. The Arab nations were disillusioned after realising that the Britain and France promises to create independent nations were false.

In 1936, 1937 and 1939, Palestinian people and movements held massive protests against British colonialism and forced Jewish settlements. British suppressed them severely. The British and their allies, the wealthy Jews, acted with bloodlust, house demolitions, massacres and arrests. In 1938 Britain banned underground Zionist extremist groups that turned against the British government. In 1946, the Zionist group Irgun bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. 90 people including Britons were killed. After this, the conflict between Britain and the Zionist groups sharpened.

After World War 2, the Jewish working population was largely settled in these areas, which were subjected to mass genocide (about 6 million Jews were killed) by Nazi Hitler’s gang.

In 1947, the UN proposed a Partition Plan in recognition of the Belfour Declaration. Since Britain did not accept Palestine becomes colony of US and its strong conflicts with Zionist organaisations, It voted against the declaration. America voted in favor. It was an unjust division. Land was allocated between Israel, Palestine and Jerusalem to the share of 56%, 41% and 3% respectively ie, occupied territories were legalised. The fertile areas along the coast were allotted to Israel. Less land was allocated to the Palestinian population, which was twice as large as the Jews. Jerusalem was decided to come under international control. The Palestinian people did not accept this.

Britain left on 14 May 1948 after the end of the British Mandate. Although Israel declared itself an independent state at midnight on May 14th, the region was transformed into a competitive arena for colonization by various imperialists. In particular, the United States began to build its crony capitalists in Israel and bring them under its new colonial rule. The Judaization and militarization of Israel began to expand.

Middle Eastern countries were transformed from direct colonialism to semi-colonies in the new colonial form. In the First Arab-Israeli War of 1948-49, Egypt captured the Gaza Strip and Jordan captured the West Bank and East Jerusalem. During the same period, Israel also waged an internal war of occupation against the Palestinian territories. Israel has expanded its territory from 56% to 78% internally. Jewish settlements continued. In the remaining 22%, Palestine was partitioned into two non contiguous internal colonies, the West Bank and Gaza. The Palestinian nationality was split in two. About 760,000 Palestinians were displaced during this phase. 15000 people were killed. The Palestinians refer to this as the Great Catastrophe.

During the First Cold War between Soviet Social Imperialism and US Imperialism, the Israel-US alliance and the Russian-Jordanian-Egyptian alliance jumped into a war of redivision. Among them, the 6-day war in 1967 is known as the “Yom-Kippur War” (Second Arab-Israeli War). Israel, which has increased its military strength with the help of the US, has taken over the Golan Heights in Syria. Recaptured the West Bank (including East Jerusalem) from Jordan. In addition to recapturing Gaza from Egypt, the country also captured the Sinai Peninsula. Thus Israel began to plunder the oil and gas fields by expanding the border areas for the project. During this period, the US-Israeli alliance established its colonial rule by increasing Jewish settlements in Gaza and the West Bank. It turned Gaza into an open air prison. The West Bank intensified construction for Jewish settlements in Gaza. About 20,000 Palestinians were killed during this period. 3 lakh people were evacuated. The Palestinians refer to this period as the “Regression Period”. Then a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was created under the leadership of the United States. recognizing Israel; An agreement on matters including oil and gas trade (1978 Camp David Accords) was reached and the Sinai Peninsula was handed over to Egypt. A compromise agreement with Jordan was reached in 1994 in which the country agreed to recognize Israel.

The Palestine Liberation Movement and the Origins of Hamas

In 1959, Yasser Arafat started a political movement called Fatah. In 1964, the Palestine National Liberation Movement (PLO) was formed by several groups including Fatah. Arafat was elected as its leader. This movement, which was started on the basis of national liberation and armed struggle, began to gain influence among the people. Hamas emerged from a religious nationalist movement called the “Islamic Brotherhood” in Egypt in 1967. The Islamic Brotherhood, which participated in the Arab Spring, is one of the various organizations that America has developed in order to eliminate the influence of left-wing, progressive, and national liberation movements in Arab countries. 

As the Palestinian Liberation Movement began to gain influence among the people, the American-Israeli alliance was alarmed. Thus, it deliberately created contradictions between the Palestinian Liberation Movement and Hamas.

The UN partition plan was established in 1947 by endorsing the Balfour Declaration. That means recognizing the occupation state of Israel. Later, its features were included in the two-nation policy put forward by the UN in 1974. In 1987, the UN forced Arafat, the leader of the Palestine Liberation Movement to recognize Israel and he accepted it. In 1993 and 1995, the two-nation policy was incorporated into the Oslo Accords. These agreements opportunistically presented Palestinian autonomy while recognizing the oppressive Israeli state. This act of Arafat’s influence among the people decreased and the influence of Hamas started to grow. Hamas began to incorporate various armed groups. 

Then, due to reasons like the collapse of Soviet social imperialism and cessation of economic aid by Middle Eastern countries, the PLO began to lose strength. The first Palestinian uprising was led by Hamas in 1987. 

The US planned to topple Hamas and submerge the Palestinian liberation struggle in legalism. The United States, which wanted to change these conditions in its favour, put forward the Oslo Accords under its leadership. It was signed by the Prime Minister of Israel and Yasser Arafat. Arafat abandoned the armed struggle and signed it without the consent of the Palestinian people and reconciled with the imperialists. 1) The PLO recognized the oppressive state of Israel through the first agreement in 1993; Israel approved PLO. 2) In 1995, the 2nd Agreement created a limited - provisional - self-governing Palestinian Authority led by the PLO; It divided the West Bank into three parts. It was then decided to continue the process of gradually transforming the administrative authority into a government under the Israeli government of racial oppression. But it didn’t last. Israel violated the agreement. It in essence 1) legalized Israel’s illegal occupation of territories; 2) A comprador Palestinian Authority was created under Israel’s racially oppressive regime, in the form of the Provisional-Self-Governing Authority. A US-Israeli proxy Palestinian Authority was created in the form of a council. It was created to operate under subcontract to the US and Israel. In the first election in 1996, the PLO took charge of the ruling council. After that, globalisation policies were implemented in the Palestinian territories. IMF, World Bank and imperialist countries financial capital was allowed.

The 1995 Oslo Accords divided the West Bank settlements into three (Area A 18%, Area B 22%, Area C 60%) and legalized the expulsion of Palestinians, Jewish settlements and occupation. Area A was left under the control of the Palestinian Authority(PA). Area B was left under the joint control of the PA and Israel. In this area PA was given only the civil protection rights. Military control was given to Israeli Defence Forces. The entire Area C is now under Israeli jurisdiction, while only Area A falls under the control of the Palestinian Authority. The third Oslo Accord, known as the “Interim Agreement,” signifies a gradual shift, allowing the Palestinian Authority to establish self-governance in areas without Israeli authority, termed as the “Peaceful Path” in the national liberation discourse. 

The Oslo Accords did not question the Israeli state’s ethnic oppression and power base. Border issue, distribution of territory and natural resources, political and economic rights, refugee issue etc. are not taken into account. This Two State Policy of the UN stated that pre-1967 territory and borders were guaranteed. That is, the 1947 partition plan was propsed as the solution. We have already seen that it is an unjust division. For the UN and both imperialist camps, the Palestinian issue from that day to this day is only an issue that requires humanitarian assistance and rehabilitating refugees. It is not considered a nationality issue of Palestine. 

Couldn’t accept the signing of even such a toothless agreement, Israel’s Prime Minister Rabin was killed by Zionist extremist groups. The decision of the PLO to recognize the oppressive state of Israel is a colossal historical error. Palestinian political analysts are quite right to point out that the Oslo Accords, which do not even guarantee minimum rights, are like a Dead Born Accord. The establishment of a Palestinian Authority bound to Israel by the Oslo Accords was ultimately perceived as a treacherous agreement and was completely rejected and trashed by the Palestinian people.

The people, under the leadership of Hamas, rose in rebellion in 1987-88, known as the First Intifada. Israeli forces including tanks suffered a deadly blow. Iran and various factions, including Hezbollah in Lebanon, provided support to Hamas. In 2000, after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s visit to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Second Intifada was initiated by Palestinian civilians. In the 2006 elections, Hamas achieved success and took control in Gaza. Hamas later ousted Fatah’s Palestinian Authority from Gaza, and ongoing armed actions were undertaken.

Subsequently, in 2008, 2012, 2014, and 2021, Palestinians faced casualties, displacements, house demolitions, arrests, and armed conflicts initiated by the Israeli government. In 2007, Israel imposed a blockade on the Gaza Strip, restricting access to water, electricity, and food, resulting in significant hardships for the residents. Israel also deployed advanced military technologies, Converting Gaza into the world’s most biggest open-air prison. The people faced challenges due to Israel’s policies, leading some to seek refuge in neighboring Egypt. The situation remains complex till today.

Today about 90lakh Jews live on 90% of the total land area (22,145 About 20lakh Palestinians live in Gaza (365 and 17lakh Palestinians in the West Bank (1400 on 10-15% of the land (West Bank and Gaza). The number of Jewish settlers in the West Bank is about 10lakh.

Central East becomes the battle field of Imperialist camps! Palestine is slaughtered!

The relationship between the United States and the Israeli government is globally known fact. Israel, which covers 90% of its land area, has 15 or more oil and gas fields. It is said that if these fields including Alma Oil, Leviathan and Tamar are fully operational, Israel will move from 80th place in the world to the top 30 in oil and gas exports. Thee European Union Pipeline Project, Euro-Asia Connection Project, Eastern Mediterranean Gas Association etc., have been signed. Agreements for licenses for oil and gas fields have been sought from China, Russia, and India. Approximately 25% to 40% of Israel’s budget comes from the United States. Additionally, the U.S. contributes significantly to Israel’s nuclear capabilities. As a reliable partner for Middle East dominance; The US-NATO wolf pack has raised the hound of Israel as a sub-hegemonic power. Israel holds the 10th position globally in arms exports, with both the U.S. and Russia supplying weapons. In the Middle East the Gulf Cooperation Council split in two and one faction went to the Russian camp; ousted from Afghanistan by the Taliban; Iran’s growing dependence on Russia; the loss of the embargo against Russia in the Ukraine war; Declining US-EU oil and gas trade; Suspension of Iran-Israel oil trade; Conflict with Egypt, Turkey; US-NATO influence in the Middle East is declining due to reasons such as Saudi rejecting the dollar and trading oil with China-Russia. So the US-NATO has to loot Israel and its surrounding oil resources.

Recently, 122 trillion cubic meters (TCM) of gas and 17.5 billion barrels of crude oil have been discovered in Gaza and the West Bank. It has captured the previously discovered Meged oil field and a gas field in the West Bank. That is why the US-Israel alliance is striving to completely destroy Palestine and create a greater Israel. By doing so, it seeks to establish hegemony in the Middle East.

Greater Israel is the territory Israel claims extends from the Stream of Egypt to the Euphrates River. Netanyahu released the plan for this at the UN. The plan is to occupy the borders and territories of countries like the whole of Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan and Amman. This project is a plan to loot oil and gas resources in the Middle East. It is a plan to redistribute the Middle East and establish the US-NATO-Israeli hegemony there. The US-Israel coalition seeks to rally public support and justify itself by testifying to the retrograde religious dogma of God’s promised land to the Jews. This is the politico-economic reason for the Middle Eastern countries to turn against the US-Israel alliance.

Israel is the recipient of most US funding and capital. America has given Israel 150 billion dollars until February 2022. The United States provides military aid to Israel worth $2.67 billion per year through a memorandum of understanding. It has risen to $3 billion since 2009. From 2019, it rose to $3.8 billion.

Israel imports $2.14 billion worth of goods from Russia annually. In 2021 alone, Russia exported metals ($447 million), rare metals ($393 million), machinery ($145 million), and equipment and tools ($127 million) to Israel. Also, Russia has exported military equipment, war equipment and spare parts worth about 24.3 million dollars to Israel.

Israel voted in favor of Russia at the UN despite US pressure on the Ukraine issue. To that extent Israel and Russia are close allies.

Russia trades oil with Israel. Also, the Russian-Israeli military logistics agreement signed in 2010 is in force. After the United States, Israel imports the most military equipment from Russia. Israel Joins China’s New Silk Road Project. China is Israel’s 2nd largest trading partner after the US. 72 agreements have been signed between Israel and China in the fields of technology, infrastructure and agricultural technology. China has built two major ports named Haifa Bay and Ashdod Port in Israel. China’s exports to Israel have increased by 17.7% over the past 26 years. That means it has increased from $192 million (1995) to $13.28 billion (2021). The United States opposes Israel’s growing political, economic, and military ties with China and Russia.

On the other hand, China and Russia’s funding and capital are being allowed in the Palestinian territories. West Bank President Abbas has signed off on the new Silk Road project.

90% of the land, oil and gas fields are controlled by Israel. That is why the Russian-Chinese team opportunistically talks about “Palestinian independence” while recognizing the oppressive fascist Israeli state by talking about the “Oslo-style two-state policy”. Palestine has only 10% of its territory. It has no resources, raw materials, oil and gas fields. Israel controls the entire coastline of the resource-rich Mediterranean Sea. The PLO and the Hamas regime have no control over these resources; There is no market; No significant capitalist development. So it is using the Palestinian problem as a “bargaining point” to share the market with the state of Israel through the opportunism of “Palestine liberation”.

The US proposed the Abraham Accords in 2020 to cement its alliance with Saudi Arabia. It is led by Saudi-Israel-USA. Making Saudi a non-NATO ally holding nuclear weapons. The agreement has features similar to the Saudi-Israeli-US trade agreement. China has successfully proposed the Saudi-Iran 2023 deal to bring the Saudis into its fold. Russia has welcomed this. Needless to say, Russia, which already controls OPEC countries, will benefit from this.

Thus, in order to dominate the Middle East and redistribute resources, US-NATO-Israel-Bahrain-Jordan as a team, and Russia-China-Iran-Syria-Lebanon-Qatar-Kuwait-Yemen as a team are turning the regions into battlegrounds. Saudi Arabia announced withdrawal from Abraham Accords after Israeli attack on Gaza. Egypt has rejected the US request to open the border. Saudi and Egypt try to balance between the two camps.

We proposed that we won’t allow Tamil Eelam to be made scapegoat in Sri Lanka for the US-Indian and Sino-Russian camps’ competition for spheres of influence. Similarly, today Palestine is being betrayed as a battleground for the spheres of influence of the US-NATO and Russian-Chinese camps. The liberation of Palestine will be crushed here, just as all the imperialists including America, China, and Russia have crushed the Eelam Liberation War. Imperialists will allow it only as long as it is in the reactionary form of religious nationalism. Because it is favorable to them. When it takes the form of anti-imperialist national liberation, all imperialists will surely annihilate the liberation of Palestine.

Arab ruling class governments operate as Islamic fundamentalist governments. They act as pawns of anyone of the imperialist bloc for oil and gas trade interests. This creates contradictions among those countries. People of these countries are suffering due to economic crisis. This contradiction is echoed in Palestine as well. If capitalism develops and a ruling class government is formed in Palestine, the Sino-Russian team will not allow Palestine to become an independent country unless it becomes its colony. If allowed, there will be no market for them. Russia annexed Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea in Ukraine and made them its colonies. The Sino-Russian team is turning the Taliban government into its colony. The United States has made several nationalities in Eastern Europe, including Kosova, its own colonies. Therefore, imperialists will break a nationality into two if it is necessary for their interests. On the other hand, nationalities will be separated and converted into their colonies. They will not allow any nationality to function as independent state at any cost. 

The Zionist-Hindu-Fascist Alliance

As we mentioned earlier, the bitter conflict between the Zionist groups and the British government resulted in British colonial government rejecting the partition plan for Palestine as soon as the argument on it began in UN. Also, it does not want Israel to become a colony of America. That is why British supporters Gandhi and Nehru opposed the creation of Israel. At that time the RSS mob expressed support to create the state of Israel. After the 1947 transition of power, Congress recognised Israel in 1950. India’s diplomatic relationship with Israel began in the 1990s under the Congress regime. 

No wonder the Modi gang has issued a statement supporting Israel’s attack on Gaza. Because the Zionism based on the Bible story and the Hinduism of the Modi gang converge at a point. Rama Rajyam, which the Modi gang speaks of as the birthplace of Rama, and Zionism, which is centered on the hill of Zion, where the Jewish God was born, have a reactionary ideology. Both presuppose religious nationalism. They have the principle of forming the nation on the basis of religion. Both religion and race are used in the same meaning. They used to talk both Jewish race and Judaism, Hindu race and Hinduism. The Jewish people affected by Nazism today suffer from a new type of Jewish Nazism by the Jewish ruling class. 

This fascist ideological unity is strengthened by the mutual market interests of the corporates of the two countries as “natural allies”. One of RSS’ office operates in Tel Aviv. India is Israel’s 3rd military logistics market after USA and Russia. Several free trade agreements have been signed between Israel and India and are in force. “India-Middle East – European Union Economic Corridor” (IMEC) was signed at the recent G-20 summit. Israel is a key member. It is designed to compete with China’s ‘New Silk Road Project’ for US-European hegemony. It relies on Israel’s Pegasus and Mossad intelligence agencies for international and domestic intelligence. It is because of this that the Modi gang supports Israel’s genocide. We know that it is for Ambani-Adani interests that the Modi gang sheds tears for the Israeli capitalists who do not care about the people of Manipur. It is our national duty to overthrow the Modi regime that supports the genocide of the fascist Israeli state. 

Rahul Gandhi condemns Hamas attack as an act of terrorism and speaks opportunistically about Palestinian rights. Weeps for Israel’s sovereignty. The ‘INDIA’ alliance has stopped with mere statements. Not ready for any struggle.

Proletarian position on the Palestine issue!

Elam for Sri Lanka, Palestine for Israel! 

Israel - Palestinian ethnic problem can be solved only based on Samaran’s position on the Sri Lankan Eelam ethnic problem.

1) The US-Israeli war of aggression is an unjust war. The Palestinian liberation war against this is a war of justice. It is therefore the duty of the proletariat to support the liberation of Palestine.

The US-NATO-Israel alliance and the Sino-Russian alliance are turning the Middle East into a battleground for redistribution. In it the liberation of Palestine is annihilated.

We cannot support both camps in a war of redistribution between imperialist countries (for the oppressors). Supporting any section of this means supporting oppression. Lenin opposed both camps equally in World War I. But Kautsky sided with Germany, saying that balancing the two was in Britain’s favour. In the war between the oppressor and the oppressed, we must side with the oppressed. To be neutral or balanced is to side with the oppressor. 

2) Israel is promoting a one-nation policy of “destroy Palestine and create a state of Israel” in the name of opposing Oslo’s two-state policy. This one-nation policy is one that needs to be broken. A ‘Zionist country’, as Lenin puts it, is extremely reactionary. 

3) Bilateral policy through Oslo agreement promoted by USA is outdated. It was overthrown by the Palestinian people. Even Abbas, the leader of the PLO, has said that it is out of date. America and Israel are talking about a Single-State Policy today. Today, China and Russia are talking about the Two-State policy proposed by the US-UN. It was previously brought in to bring down Hamas and indoctrinate people into legalistic illusions. Today, China and Russia are using it as a bargaining chip with Israel. That is why both claim Israel and Palestine to be friends and support the oppressive Israeli state. Therefore, this two-state policy is against the liberation of Palestine. We are talking about the equality of two nationalities, two democratic states with the right to self-determination. Both are opposite.

4) Someone says a Palestinian state under the dominance of a united state of Israel; And some other says alternative solution is Israel to come under the authority of a unified Palestinian state. Both are anti-Marxism. We cannot accept any nationality dominating another nationality. Also, some have followed China and advocated Oslo’s Two-State policy as an endorsement and revisionism of US-Russian-Chinese imperialism. 

5) The Hamas movement promotes a “Single-State Policy” on the basis of “Palestine by destroying Israel” in the name of opposing Oslo’s Two-State policy. This Single-State Policy cannot be accepted. It also claims to be creating an “Islamic State” based on Islamic fundamentalism. This is also religious nationalism and regressive. US-NATO imperialism is the source of global terrorism. It is this counter-revolutionary terrorism that produces the religious fundamentalist and terrorist activities of movements like Hamas. So both cannot be equated. But religious terrorism can only threaten America and not defeat it. A revolutionary uprising led by a Marxist-Leninist based Communist Party will put an end to imperialist terror. 

The PLO authority in the West Bank has fallen into pure right-wing opportunist chaos and is isolated from the people. The only representative of the people today is ‘Hamas’. So it can be supported on the following terms 1) Withdrawal from ideologies like Islamic State, Islamic fundamentalism, terrorist acts like the one on October 7; 2) that they give up the belief that they can win by standing up to Russia-China camp. “Palestine issue” is a “bargaining point” with Israel for Russo-Chinese imperialists! That’s all. That’s why they talk like “Palestinian freedom” while supporting the fascist Israeli government. Advising both Israel and Palestine are friends. Preaching that the wolf and the lamb should live in peace in the same fold. A Russo-Chinese camp guards the cat as a companion to the milk. Aid from these countries to Palestine is not reliable. They help with political economic conditions for market welfare. Till date, Russia and China have not taken the Palestinian issue to the UN despite having the veto power. The Palestinian people must understand this.

No nation in history has ever been liberated at the mercy of imperialism. There won’t be any in the future as well. Because imperialism does not like freedom. As Lenin says it wants only slavery and oppression.

Hamas differs from other apolitical terrorist organizations in that it has a political objective of Palestinian liberation. That is why it is in power as a political party. But it is in the mistaken belief that Palestine can be liberated through retrogressive religious nationalism.

Hamas must realize the fundamental difference between armed struggle and terrorist activities. Armed struggle means defeating the enemy’s army and force. It is a class struggle against the ruling class. That means armed struggle is class struggle. Attacking and exterminating the people of a dominant nationality does not constitute armed struggle. It is an act of terrorism. To defeat Hitler’s fascism, 2 crore people of the Soviet Union sacrificed their lives to defeat the enemy’s army. Therefore, the guidance of Marxist teachers on armed struggle is correct. Lenin says that terrorism is inevitable as a partial measure of revolutionary upheaval. But that is not Leninism as a tactic. 

People should be politicized towards language based national liberation. Only then is success possible. The success of the liberation of Viet Nam is a good example of that. An unpoliticized armed struggle cannot last. The more the anti-imperialist movement rests on national liberation, the more its religious nationalism will diminish.

The less religious nationalism becomes, the more it is worth supporting and succeeding. Nationalism based on religion is pro-imperial reactionary nationalism like the Taliban regime.

Therefore, the religious nationalism of Hamas should be abandoned and an anti-imperialist national liberation movement should be built there based on the position of “independent Palestinian state” based on language. The tradition of championing the Jewish working people must be maintained. Dependence on other national liberation movements. It should be ensured that oppressed countries like Iran and Lebanon receive aid without political and economic conditions. It should be made clear to the people of both nationalities that Palestine is to Israel as Elam is to Sri Lanka. Realize that it is America’s evil dog, the ruling Israeli corporate fascist cabal, and not “the Jewish people” that needs to be thrown into the Mediterranean. Realize that America and Israel are the main targets of Palestinian liberation. The Jewish working people cannot be made scapegoat for the settlements and occupations imposed by imperialism and Israeli capitalists. There, however, a nation has established itself. We cannot deny it. Landlords and broker capitalists of that nationality are our enemies. The Jewish working people are our friends.

People belonging to oppressing nationalities (Israelis) should not become the tail of Israel’s racial oppression of Palestine. People need to realize that Zionism is not only against Palestine but also against the working people of Israel. He must realize that his enemy is not Palestine but a fascist state of Israel. Otherwise, historical experience shows that what happens to Palestine today will happen to them tomorrow.

6) The state of Israel today is inextricably tied to national oppression. (Judaism means religion. Hebrew is its national language) In fact, the new colonial state of America, the comprador-capitalist state of Israel, owes its existence to the oppression of the Arabic-speaking nation (Palestine). Ethnic conflict is therefore inevitable within today’s Israeli state system. As a result, oppressed peoples and classes of both nationalities have no chance of coming together in class struggle. Due to these conditions, the establishment of a separate state for the Arab nationality of Palestine becomes a precondition for the collapse of the state of Israel and the liberation of the people of Israel.

There is no way a victim nationality of genocide can co-exist in a polity with a nation that perpetuates the genocide. The democratic solution is for the victim of genocide to secede and form an independent state. That would stimulate the class consciousness of the bi-national working people; It guarantees the continuation of the class struggle; The ruling class and its imperial masters would provide a political sense of the common enemy; It would make possible the right of self-determination of the two nationalities. Therefore, the first condition is the establishment of an independent state of Palestine. That will set the stage for the formation of People’s Democratic Republics based on the equality-self-determination of the two nationalities through the next phase of the new democratic revolution. This is the ultimate solution.

Until then as an interim solution…. 

a) Will demand withdrawal of US-NATO and its arch-dog Israel from Gaza, the West Bank; 

b) Guarantee equal, continuous territory, equal distribution of natural resources, raw materials, and confiscate to Palestine the money looted by Israel and imperialist countries so far with oil and natural fields;

c) oppose the Judaization and militarization of Israel; 

d) Resettlement of the suffering Palestinian people in various countries as refugees 

e) Demand war crimes trials against US-NATO-Israel as genocidal nations

f) reduce Israel’s military strength and undermine its monopoly power base; 

We must fight. 

Even these things are made possible by the people’s protests that have broken out all over the world. On the contrary, we lie in the illusion that the imperialists or UN will come forward automatically, the Palestinian struggle will be wiped out like the Eelam liberation struggle.

From January to July 2023, the people of Israel and some left-wing Palestinian organizations organized massive protests in Tel-Aviv against the fascist Netanyahu regime. Netanyahu tried to establish a Zionist ethno-sectarian fascist regime by introducing a judicial reform law that stripped the judiciary of its power. There were huge protests against this. But the law was passed. Such protests and the ongoing popular protests in the Middle East countries are the need of the day. These should be intensified. People surround the US Senate and chant in support of Palestine. “Don’t wage war in our name,” the Jewish people in the American and European countries have started shouting. These have played out the “Middle-Eastern dreams” of the American-Israeli cabal. Israel declared war on Gaza and has not yet launched an attack. Waiting like a rabid dog for the right time. Thus, it is such popular protests that will stop the genocide of Palestine; It will provide possibilities for national liberation.

Therefore... the People’s Democratic Youth League calls upon the people and the democratic forces to mobilize under the following slogans.

  • Let’s oppose Israel’s war of genocide on Palestine! 
  • To Sri Lanka.. Elam! For Israel… Palestine! Let’s support the Palestine Liberation War! 
  • American NATO! Its hound is the state of Israel! Stop the war of aggression on Palestine immediately! West Bank, get out of Gaza!
  • Let’s Resist Israel’s Judaization and Militarization of the Palestinian Territories! 
  • Zionist xenophobic fascism is not only against Palestine but also against Jewish working people! 
  • Let’s fight for the unity of the Jewish-Palestinian working people!!
  • Let’s defeat the Zionist, Hindu-fascist cabal of corporate interests! Let’s overthrow the Modi regime that supports genocide! 
  • Let us turn the Middle East into a battleground for the spheres of influence of the US-NATO and Russian-Chinese imperialist camps!
  • Let’s oppose the Russian-Chinese corporate interests that support the Fascist Israel-Ethnic Oppressive State through the Oslo Accords – Binational Policy! 
  • Workers of the world! Oppressed nations! Let’s Agitate for the Liberation of Palestine! Let’s overthrow the fascist Israeli government in the Mediterranean!

(People’s Democratic Youth League, Tamil Nadu )

- Samaran Magazine, October - November 2023 Edition


UN Resolution on Palestine issue and Opportunism of Imperialist Countries

Samaran continues to operate under the guidance of Marxism-Leninism of AMK. His ideological clarity guides us even in today’s Israel-Palestine issue. His decisive Marxist approach to the Sri Lanka-Eelam national question led to a solution to the Palestinian national question. From his guidance we came to the conclusion that an independent Palestinian state is the immediate solution. A special article on it has appeared in this magazine.

The US-NATO-Israel alliance is advancing a plan to redivide the colonies there in order to recover from its losing influence in the Middle East and dominate there and loot the oil and gas resources. From the principle of Greater Israel, it has proposed the Single State Policy of  Israel without Palestine. This project of occupying not only Palestine but neighbouring countries seeks to justify the establishment of a social base by presenting a fascist heterodox-religious nationalism in the name of Zionism. The neo-Nazi faction of Israel’s ruling class is acting as a US-NATO hound, a sub-hegemonic power, and a strategic partner in war. 

“If we invest in Ukraine and Israel now, we will get good dividends later. It is good for our economy and security,” said Joe Biden, asking the US Congress for billions in aid to Ukraine and Israel. That means the war in Ukraine and the war on Gaza are good news for the Wall Street stock market. The Israel-Gaza war boosted US arms production and the US economy grew by 7 percent. The American economy as we know it is a military and weapons economy.

The Zionist government of Israel has been blood thirsty intensifying its ground attack on Gaza, using the attack by Hamas as an excuse. 9061 Palestinians have been killed so far. Out of which 3760 children and 2326 women have been killed. The NATO-Israel warmongers are cannibals who eat children. Kills in bunches by throwing white phosphorus bombs. It is an important international duty of the proletariat to overthrow this power that drinks the blood of Palestine for oil and gas in the Mediterranean.

Imperialist nations getting united against Hamas and Palestinian liberation in support of Israel

The Sino-Russian team has been brazenly talking about Palestinian autonomy while recognising Israel’s racially oppressive fascism to maintain its growing hegemony in the Middle East in opposition to US hegemony. Palestine means only the West Bank for these countries. The Sino-Russian imperialist powers support the ruling comprador Palestinian Authority (PLO) in the West Bank. But they ignore Hamas. The underdevelopment of capitalism in both Palestinian territories, the West Bank and Gaza, has yet to produce a strong comprador capitalist ruling class (like the Ukrainian government for the US, the Taliban government for Russia-China). The Palestinian Authority (PA) has grown into a relatively (compared to the Hamas regime) crony capitalist group, with sub-contract deals from imperialists, bribes and corruption by allowing foreign capital. The region was already under US-NATO’s financial aggression. Now it is also subjected to Russian-Chinese financial capital aggression. In other words, the Palestine Authority is functioning as the governing body of the two imperialist camps. Now It is showing closeness with China and Russia. Therefore, there is no major problem for both camps regarding the West Bank Authority. NATO does not see this as an immediate issue.

The issue today is the approch of the imperialist camps towards Hamas. We must understand their chicanery in it.

The NATO-Israel team is working towards the complete destruction of Hamas and Gaza. It has declared an all-out war on it. After destroying it, it feels that the West Bank can be peacefully annexed. PLO leader Abbas equated Hamas attacks with Israel and said that Hamas and the Authority have no connection. This is a good example of the PA’s compromise and mediation with the imperialists.

The PLO controls only 18% (Area A) of the West Bank’s total area of ​​5860 sq km. Next, the Authority has only civilian authority over Area B, which is 22%. Military power rests with Israel. Also Gaza occupies a very small land area (365 square kilometers) in comparison. Israel occupies fertile areas along the coast. That means taking over sea trade, ports, economic zones, oil and gas fields. As a result, the majority has developed into a capitalist conglomerate. Herein lies the economic basis for the unity of the two imperialist camps against Hamas and the Palestinian liberation resistance in support of Israel.

The ruling authority in the West Bank has no authority over oil and gas resources. Even some of the concessions on resources made in Oslo have yet to be implemented. This is one of the reasons why the Nazi-Russian camp spoke of Oslo’s two-nation policy. Gas fields on the West Coast are being explored. Not to mention the Hamas regime. It operates with the help of Iran-Lebanon. There is no market for it. No authority over resources. So the Sino-Russian camp is looking to use the Hamas issue as a bargaining chip to demand market deals - oil and gas fields - with the Israeli government, which has complete control of the market and resources; It seeks to use Hamas as a pressure group against Israel. It is for this purpose that Iran and Lebanon aids are allowed all under the facade of being neutral. This is the reason why China and Russia refer to Palestine and Israel as friends. It should be noted that what they refer to as Palestine is only the PLO Authority which has observer status in the UN. The Hamas regime is still not recognized by the UN. They work with a plan to isolate Hamas.

And China and Russia have not provided any direct constructive assistance to Hamas. Russia implicitly condemned the October 7 attack by Hamas. It said violence in any form was unacceptable and Israel had the right to defend itself. China neither supported nor condemned it but advocated pacifism in general. China said Israel was going beyond self-defense and could not accept its role in punishing the Gazans for the wrongdoing of Hamas. That is, Hamas can be punished; But people should not be punished. So it is clear that the Sino-Russian camp and the US have the same opinion in condemning Hamas and Israel’s war as a defensive war. America is trying to destroy Hamas. China and Russia are working to isolate Hamas. That’s the difference. The Sino-Russian camp is taking the same approach to Hamas in Israel as the United States did to the LTTE issue in Sri Lanka. 

The Sino-Russian camp in Sri Lanka was working towards the total extermination of the LTTE, provided Rajapakse mob with immense political, economic and military assistance. But the United States froze all aid to the LTTE and broke its backbone by isolating it. It pressured the Rajapakse government to exclude China through the Geneva Resolution.

The Sino-Russian camp made no attempt to find a political solution to the Palestinian issue. Had no guts to call Israel an oppressive state. Nor did it talk about UN recognition of Hamas. For them, the Gaza issue is only an issue of refugee resettlement - humanitarian assistance; It is not a national qusetion for those countries. If it must call Israel an oppressive state as it is then what about Israel’s rich oil and gas fields and bilateral trade military deals?? Everything goes for a toss. That is why they pretend to aid Gaza while maintaining political, economic, arms aid and military trade relations with Israel. 

The two camps’ attitudes towards Hamas were also evident in the debates over UN resolutions.

UN Resolution and Opportunism of Imperialist Countries

Two weeks ago, the United States presented a resolution to the UN Security Council. They included (1) stopping humanitarian aid to Gaza and (2) destroying Hamas in order for Israel to defend itself. (3) no ceasefire as it would strengthen Hamas. China and Russia used their veto power to cancel this on the grounds that humanitarian aid should not be provided. This resolution clearly shows the warmongering, hegemonic dream of the US-Israel team.

Russia put forward a resolution calling for a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds. China supported it. Even the demand for a cease-fire is a demand made as a result of popular protests that have erupted all over the world. As we said earlier it is only a matter of humanitarian assistance to them. The resolution does not condemn Israel or address the national question. It does not even mention Oslo’s Two-State Policy, which was originally proposed as a solution. The US vetoed the resolution. 

In the end the resolution proposed by the Security Council was as follows:

1) Hamas’ attack on Israel is reprehensible

2) A ceasefire is required

3) Gaza needs humanitarian aid

The resolution does not condemn Israel; Instead it condemns Hamas. Not questioning Israel’s fascist racial oppression; Not talking about genocide. A cease-fire is being talked about and dramatised while supporting Israel, which is waging a war. A cease-fire and aid to Gaza may be welcomed as an immediate solution. Otherwise there is no political solution.

Not surprisingly, the US and Israel opposed the resolution. We have already seen that they talked about no ceasefire. So the US defeated the resolution with veto power, saying it did not guarantee Israel’s self-defense. The United States, which had said it would not send aid to Gaza, said it would do so two days ago after major protests erupted inside the country.

China, France and Japan voted in favor of this resolution. Russia and Britain walked out without voting.

It is noteworthy that China has directly supported the resolution condemning Hamas beyond the ceasefire. It is also worth noting that Russia indirectly supported the resolution condemning Hamas through its walkout. China and Russia neither supported nor condemned Hamas after Hamas attacks on Israel. But now they have reached the position of directly supporting the resolution presented to condemn and punish Hamas.

The debate over the resolution did not emphasize Oslo’s two-nation policy, which Russia and China put forward as a solution after the attacks by Hamas. Not calling Israel an oppressive state or a genocidal. At least not even to condemn Israel. They condemned Hamas. They did not argue on the side of Hamas. There is no evidence about constructive assistance provided to Hamas by Russia and China. But the revisionists who said that these countries are helping Hamas today, are begging for help from Russia and China. They wait at the feet of the imperialists to lick and ask for help from Hamas. But the Sino-Russian imperialists are not ready to extend their legs to them, as their position in the debates on the UN Security Council resolution clearly shows. They are waiting to lick the legs of the imperialists even if they kick them. What shame can we expect from the mob that pawned their principles to DMK ?

Thus the two imperialist camps in the Security Council are playing chess by taking turns holding the veto power over the Palestine issue. Sino-Russian countries did not present any concrete resolution. The imperialist powers use the veto power only in the context of world hegemonic interests. First the veto power of these countries should be taken away.

The UN General Assembly convened after the Security Council failed to reach a resolution. The resolution tabled had two aspects.

1) Immediate ceasefire

2) Aid to Gaza

It does not contain any condemnation of Israel or condemnation of Hamas.

The United States and Israel voted against it. China and Russia voted in favor. India abstained and acted in favor of its fascist ally Israel. The resolution was passed with 120 countries voting in favor.

But a week after the resolution was passed, Israel’s ground attack has not stopped. The resolution does not include a clause requiring all 120 countries to impose economic sanctions on Israel if it does not comply. China and Russia do not claim it. Then how will Israel be bound? All these are just blinders; farce. Proletarian movements do not believe this.

To summarise

The US-NATO camp and the Sino-Russian camp are united on the following issues.

Full cooperation to Israel in political-economic-military-arms export and trade sectors.

Crushing the Palestinian Liberation War

Condemning Hamas’ attack on Israel; Punishing Hamas

On the one hand, supplying weapons to kill the Gazans, and on the other, providing humanitarian aid to them (ie, the imperialists’ traditional chameleon crap of a weapon in one hand and a piece of bread in the other).

Support for the Palestinian Authority (PLO)

Isolating (Russian-Chinese position) or destroying (US position) Hamas

These two imperialisms differ in the following respects.

Conflict in Middle East competition for hegemony and redistribution (unity in suppressing Palestinian liberation war that stands in the way of this)

Conflict over sharing of Israel’s market, economic zones including oil and gas fields, ports, and free trade agreements (FTAs)

UN resolutions are the toilet paper of the imperialists! Therefore, the ongoing popular protests in America, Europe and the Middle East will pave the way for a ceasefire and punish NATO-Israel.

If it is our international duty to oppose NATO Israel’s genocidal war on Palestine and to oppose the annihilation of Palestinian liberation in the Cold War for the redivision by the two imperialist camps, it is our national duty to fight against the Modi regime that supports this. Samaran pledges to fight for these two duties on the anniversary of AMK and calls upon the working people and the democratic forces to come and fight.

-Samaran Magazine, October - November 2023 Edition

- Marudhan (in English)

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